Do you want a pregnancy care provider who dedicates their time to you and your birthing needs? Are you tired of waiting hours at a prenatal appointment? Do you want a care provider who gives you evidenced-based information and care? Do you want the same provider to see you for your prenatals, labor and birth? Do you need more than just one postpartum visit?
Marivette Torres Midwifery is the answer! She is a licensed midwife and a certified professional midwife (LM, CPM). Marivette is the only Latina/Mexican Spanish speaking midwife of color in all of Kern and Tulare Counties.
Marivette is a licensed and certified midwife who provides you with individualized prenatal, labor, birth, and postpartum care. She will spend 45-60 minutes with you at each prenatal visit. You will get evidenced-based information, all your questions will be answered, your vitals will be taken, fetal heart tones will be done, and your fundus (top of the uterus) will be measured. Any necessary labs and referrals, including ultrasound referrals will be done at your prenatal visit. When you hire Marivette Torres Midwifery, she is your pregnancy and birth provider.
Hiring Marivette Torres LM, CPM is an investment in your short term and long term physical and emotional health during pregnancy, labor, birth, and the postpartum period. A midwife is the only trained professional in home births and is licensed by the medical board (the same board that licenses doctors and nurses). Marivette Torres is certified in neonatal resuscitation, and has the medical equipment needed for labor, birth, newborn, and postpartum.
Marivette Torres Midwifery will provide you with all your pregnancy related services that you need to have a home birth. Water birth is also available with Marivette Torres Midwifery.
Midwifery Model of Care
“The Midwives Model of Care™ is a fundamentally different approach to pregnancy and childbirth than
contemporary obstetrics. Midwifery care is uniquely nurturing, hands-on care before, during, and after birth.
Midwives are health care professionals specializing in pregnancy and childbirth who develop a trusting relationship
with you, which results in confident, supported labor, and birth. While there are different types of midwives
practicing in various settings, all midwives are trained to provide you with comprehensive prenatal care and
education, guidance in labor and birth, address complications, and care for your newborn. The Midwives Model of
Care™ is based on the fact that pregnancy and birth are normal life events. The Midwives Model of Care includes:
monitoring the physical, psychological and social well-being of the mother throughout the childbearing cycle
providing the mother with individualized education, counseling, and prenatal care, continuous hands-on assistance during labor and delivery, and postpartum support
minimizing technological interventions and
identifying and referring women who require obstetrical attention.
While there is no guarantee that your labor will be free of complications, Marivette Torres is trained to facilitate
transfers to doctors or hospital if needed. Marivette cannot guarantee a homebirth, but she can guarantee midwifery care. The application of the midwifery model has been proven to reduce to incidence of birth injury, trauma, and cesarean section.” (Midwives Model of Care definition is Copyrighted © bythe Midwifery Task Force, all rights reserved).
Your decision to hire Marivette Torres LM, CPM means you get one-on-one care with your midwife, and a long list
of services included in your package.
The following are a few of the items included in your home birth midwifery package (subject to change / see
contract for the full list):
• All prenatal care and screenings per your midwife’s practice guidelines
• Blood draws done by your midwife (lab fees are charged by the lab and are an additional cost)
• Access to your midwife by phone or text during business hours (after hours in emergency or in labor, only)
• On-call midwife beginning at 37 weeks of pregnancy for labor & birth, until the birth of baby
• Home birth services attended by Marivette Torres and her qualified birth assistant(s)
• Use of birth tub (supplies are a separate cost)
• IV supplies, if needed
• Sutures up to a second-degree laceration
• Full newborn exam at birth and general newborn exam at postpartum visits
• Critical congenital heart defect screening CHD (newborn)
• Erythromycin eye ointment for the newborn (if consented to by parents)
• California metabolic screening (if consented to by parents)
• Vitamin K (if consented to by parents)
• Newborn hearing screen referral
• In-home postpartum visit at 24 - 36 hours postpartum
• In-home postpartum visits at 7 days, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks
• Access to your midwife by phone call or text during the postpartum time
• Lactation consultation and support during postpartum visits
• Identifying and referring pregnant people who require obstetrical attention
• In case of transfer, during labor, birth, or postpartum, full postpartum schedule remains
(You will need to purchase a birth kit separately, ask your midwife!)

$6,000.00 for midwifery services/home birth
(A discount may be applied depending on your financial situation.)
Payment Plan:
A payment plan is available with no interest if you are 28 weeks or less. Other payment plan structures can be created depending on your financial situation.
Schedule an interview to see payment plan options.
If you are 36 weeks or more pregnant, payment plan is not available.
Late to care clients:
People can come into care as late as 40 weeks pregnant if you have had prenatal care during your pregnancy and have all your medical records. However, there is no reduced fee if you come into care late. Full midwifery fees apply.
Retainer fee (non-refundable):
To hold/save your estimated due date on the midwife’s calendar, to ensure assistants at your birth, a non-refundable retainer fee is required in the amount of $800.00 and is due at the signing of the midwifery contract.
• 10% discount applied if payment is made in full at the first prenatal visit (applies to full midwifery fee, only, not applicable to reduced fees).
• $50.00 discount if a certified doula supports you during labor and birth
• $50.00 discount if a childbirth education class is taken (needs certificate of completion)
Marivette Torres Midwifery is not contracted with any medical insurances. You are required to pay all fees. However, you may be able to get a portion of your midwifery fees reimbursed by your insurance.
To find out if you qualify for a reimbursement, to find out which lab your insurance will pay, where you can get an ultrasound covered by your insurance. Marivette Torres Midwifery recommends you call and hire Yvonne Avila, a midwifery biller. If you want to do your own billing, Yvonne can verify your insurance eligibility and benefits.
You will hire Yvonne Avila independently as she is not an employee of Marivette Torres Midwifery.
Yvonne Avila is an expert in midwifery billing and can work with you to get reimbursements if you qualify for them, lab information, and ultrasound referrals. Call her or email her today for a consultation at
Cell phone: (626) 598-8428
Email: Yvonne.LBACS@gmail.com
Mission, Vision, Values
Providing evidence-based care with an emphasis on inclusivity and shared decision making for all ages in their reproductive years including pre-conception, pregnancy, birth, parenthood, and menopause.
To see the people whom Marivette Torres Midwifery encounters be supported with education, respect, and dignity as they navigate their way through pre-conception, pregnancy, parenthood, and their futures. To ensure people receive the proper training in their reproductive years to make educated choices. To value individuals and their need to be fully informed.
We believe childbearing individuals and families deserve access to evidenced-based information. We believe childbearing individuals and families are wise and can make choices according to their beliefs. We believe that having a network of support people will facilitate an environment of wellness in childbearing individuals. We are committed to supporting and serving people throughout their lives from teen years through menopause. We believe childbearing individuals and all family structures deserve the support they need before and after they become parents and to feel safe, accepted, and cared for as soon as they enter our doors to facilitate body wellness. We believe families who choose surrogacy deserve all of the above, and they will be fully supported through their journey.
+1 (661) 332-3288
Bakersfield, California
Click on your estimated due date on the calendar below
to see if there is availability.